Import custom resolution level?

So I have a Daz character that I need to smooth in a very specific way rather than using smoothing modifier that seems to smooth all over the body.
Is it possible for me to somehow import a version of this character that I've been able to very selectively smooth in a different program, and have that show up in Daz as one of my resolution levels?
DS will use Edge Weights to control SubD (but that's not the same as the Smoothign Modifier). If that's how you controlled the smoothing in the source application try using FBX to send it to DS, then Edit>Object>Geometry>Convert to SubD.
So I think I'm mixing tool terms. I want to use smoothing in an external tool. But when (if even possible) I bring that into Daz as a Resolution level for the character (a Genesis Character) I can't use subdivision at all (as that would make the model invalid for my puposes).
Is this possible? For a moment it looked Like LOD was what I needed, but this seems to only work with models of a lesser vertex count and not higher. I guess I'll actually try this soon but that's what the documentation seems to suggest.
I guess what I'm trying to do is mimic the effect of subdivision externally with smoothing, but then bring that change into Daz and stay away from Subdivision. Is that possible?
Smoothing usually does mean SubD, depending on which algorithm your other tool uses you may be able to get a match by adjusting the algorithm option in the Mesh Resolution group of the Parameters pane. If you mean you want to sculpt HD detail and import that I'm afraid it isn't possible for most of us -the HD import tools are available only to PAs. If it's a one-shot thing you could simply sculpt at the last step and import he result as a static mesh for rendering, otherwise your only real option is to use a normal map for the high definition detailing.
Yeah, seemed like a long shot. Have learned a lot though, thanks for your time.