Why aren't my morph assets saving? [SOLVED}

I have successfully saved morph assets. But, I just got on today and successfully imported the .obj files and named them to the correct group (BTW, creating a new group doesn't seem to work, either.). Then, after making sure all the morphs were working correctly, I did "save as morph assets" and checked all the appropriate boxes for my characters. Then I closed and reloaded studio and a G3F. None of my morphs that I just saved are showing up.
Any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?
I figured it out...When saving as a Morph Asset, my save directory was defaulting to Connect. But, I use my G3F out of my DIM install. I can't seem to figure out how to remove the Connect installed G3F. Anyway, after I changed the directory to MyDaz3D Library, the morphs showed up.
DOH! Hope this keeps someone else from pulling all their hair out. :)