Conforming Clothing with Transfer Utility... HELP!

adoniogtsadoniogts Posts: 98

Well... Thanx to the existance of this forum I've learned a great deal about Daz! So first I wanna thank y'all for your help! ;) I'm trying to conform a clothing of a cloth or towel wrapped around a figure... Seems simple enough... But when I use the transfer utility to conform a obj. the results are a garbled mess... I'll guide y'all thru what I'm doing to see if theres any mistake by my part. First, I have my G2 figure ready, I create a primitive object of a cylinder, erase and delete the top and bottom part of the cylinder and place the cylinder so that it covers the chest, abdomen and part of the thigs of the G2 figure. Second, I export as object file the G2 figure and the cylinder separately. Third, I open both the G2 figure object and the cylinder object in Blender, I subdivide the cylinder object so that it folds like clothing, and then I apply the shrinkwrap effect to the cylinder so that it simulates a towel or cloth wrapped around the figure. Then I delete the G2 figure object in Blender and export as obj. file the shrinkwrapped cylinder. Fourth, I import the shrinkwrapped cylinder in Daz and it all seems to be fitting well... But when I apply the transfer utility in order to turn the shrinkwrapped cylinder into a conformed clothe that fits and moves with the G2 figure... It all goes array... Yet... The shrinkwrapped cylinder conforms to the G2 figure in a way that doesn't seem right. Isn't there a way to manually conform the clothing on the G2 figure? When I shrinkwrap the cylinder on the G2 figure all I need is for it to stay right there and the thigs area to morph depending on the position of the legs... Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanx! :D

Post edited by Chohole on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You need to tick the box for "Reverse Source Shape From Target" if you're building around a morphed figure rather than the unmorphed base G2F

  • Was it a zeroed Genesis 2 Female you used as your guide, or did it have shapes or poses applied?

  • adoniogtsadoniogts Posts: 98
    edited November 2017
    I will try that "reverse source shape from target" Fixmypcmike... Let's see if it works... Yes Richard Haseltine... The G2 was zeroed and with no poses...
    Post edited by adoniogts on
  • adoniogtsadoniogts Posts: 98
    edited November 2017
    I tried the "reverse source from target" option but it the same thing happened... But I discovered something weird... I fitted a shirt unto G2 male... Then I exported the shirt as an object... Then I imported the object shirt back into Daz and applied the transfer utility to fit the shirt to the G2 male figure and it worked... Then I did the same thing with the G2 female figure... I fitted to the G2 female the same shirt I used on the G2 male... I exported the shirt as an object then imported it back into Daz... I used the transfer utility to fit the object shirt unto the G2 female figure and... It comes out all wrong! Whatever the issue is... It's with the G2 female... But not the G2 male figure! Whats going on here? :/ G2 male figure process: , , , , G2 female figure process: , , ,
    Post edited by adoniogts on
  • Select your Genesis 2 Female and in the Editor tab of Parameters look in the Curently Used group - what do you haev showing?

  • Is this the tab you mean Richard Haseltine?
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited November 2017

    You have the Ginger shape applied - you need to zero that before using the figure as a guide for clothing creation.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • adoniogtsadoniogts Posts: 98
    edited November 2017
    Oh! Didn't know that! I'll try out zeroing the ginger shape to see if it works... But I'm confused... How can I fit an obj. using the transfer utility on a G2 female figure with the ginger shape applied? Cause' I'm using the basic G2 female figure only for testing the transfer utility... All of the G2 female figures I plan on fitting obj. as clothing using the transfer utility have different shapes applied to them. Or do I fit the obj. as clothing using the transfer utility on a basic G2 female figure and that obj., which is now a conforming clothing, be saved and fitted unto the other G2 female figures with shapes applied to them? If so... How is that done? :/
    Post edited by adoniogts on
  • You can set the Source Shape in Transfer Utility to Ginger, or to Use Current, then check Reverse Source Shape from Target in the extended options. However, this may introduce mesh issues - for a single morph shape it may work to load the original OBJ as a morph target but doing that with a shape that has separate head and body morphs, or that uses a range of stock morphs, is tricky. You do need to look to see if the shape is applying any scaling or translation, as those won't reverse properly and so must be zeroed.

  • I asked the same questions...and Richard Helped me out then too.  I have never gotten the Reverse from source shape to work like I expected it too.  I finally started having success we I was sure to use zeroed out figure to model against.  Meaning no morphs, and base mesh resolution.  Once the item is fit to the base model, it generally follows the body morph very well when it's applied.  I have noticed some "crinkling" of the mesh sometimes that I still don't understand and haven't figured out how to resolve.  I kinda guessing when that happends it means it's time for a custom morph, and what I haven't been able to find are any really good tutorials on creating those, though I've had some limited success with some basic attempts.  I've seen slight references to "replacing" a standard morph with a custom one for an object, but no good info on that either. What I've seen is that the regular autofollow mophs...if I'm using that term well if you stay within the real-world models, they seem to strugle more as you move into more stylized body forms.  For example, I've made a few things for  G3F that once fit work on all the real-world morphs I have, but I have problems with them fitting the AIko7 form. The body proportions are too far outside the norm I guess.  

  • adoniogtsadoniogts Posts: 98
    edited November 2017
    I think I've found a way to do it! Gets the job done but well it's kind of a hassle... I loaded the G2 female in Daz an in the Currently Used tab in the parameters of the G2 female I took the ginger slider and set it to 0... With that done the transfer utility worked fine! After doing a lil' research online on how to put conforming clothing on a morphed figure... In some long lost forgotten post here in the forum someone said how he did it... And so I did the same thing! The solution is in creating a morph of the shapes you've applied to your G2 using the Morph Loader Pro utility... The conformed clothing on the G2 female stays on relatively well when you apply the morph on the G2 female! The only problem is you have to open the original model in Daz and copy paste everything related to the surface of the G2 and all the mats and all the hair and hair surface... Which is a lot of work for the model to look exactly the same as the original... It's a lot of work to copy paste all the surface settings on the G2 model and on the G2's hair unto the morphed G2 with the clothing on... Maybe there is an easier way to pass all the surface and mats from one G2 female to another... I dunno... But that is the way I achieved for the custom made clothing from an obj. using the Transfer Utility to fit the G2 female... Thanx for the help Richard Haseltine! ;)
    Post edited by adoniogts on
  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    Sickleyield has an excellent video tutorial on YouTube that deals with fitting to character morphs. My memory is a bit hazy, but as I recall, in your case the idea would translate to:

    1. Go through the process to create your towel fitted to the base G2 shape and import it (the towel) into Daz Studio.
    2. Now export your morphed G2 (Ginger) and modify the shape of your towel so that it fits her. In doing this, do not add or remove any vertices - just diddle with their position.
    3. Import the towel back into Daz using Morph Loader Pro, essentially “comparing it” to the original (base G2) towel. Thus, what you’re doing is creating a morph on the towel sufficient to fit it to Ginger.
    4. The real trick is that (as I recall) if the towel is rigged so that you can “fit it” to G2, and if you name the morph you’re creating in #3 to the exact same name as the internal name for the “Ginger Body” morph (which you have to dig out of Daz) then, if the towel is “fitted to” G2, as you dial the Ginger Body morph on and off her, the morph on your towel gets dialed on and off automagically as well.

    As as I understand it, this is the (tedious) process that PA’s go through to get their clothing and other items to fit well (i.e. better than “auto fit” will) on the various character shaped derived from the base shape. Thus, if you see a list of compatible figures and morphs on some dress, the PA has gone through this process for each and every one of those figures and morphs. (And my hat’s off to them!)

    I might have some of that wrong, but I think that’s the gist. Now, this may be WAY more work than you want to do, but (if I’ve got it right) gives you some insight as to how Daz Duz Clothez. 

  • Dam! That sounds confusing... Either way it's tedious work! Thanx 4 the info! I'll search for Sickeyield's video... Maybe I'll see it clearer!
  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    Apologies that I can’t say it more clearly. This was the specific video I was thinking of:

    If you haven’t watched it yet, she does two demos related to clothing morphs. I’m not sure whether they apply in your case, however, because the might depend on the piece being rigged. But she explains well, I think - at least for me.

    Yes, I definitely have a new appreciation for what PAs go through when I see what just one takes and then I see items that are compatible with a half dozen characters and a dozen morphs. (Despite the kvetching certain users were tossing into another thread recently.)

    its going to be interesting to see if dForce causes a fundamental shift in this. It won’t completely eliminate the work, because dForce still needs this same kind of stuff as reference points (as I understand it) for the areas that are supposed to remain “fixed” (waistbands, for example), and it’s important for the clothing to start out outside the character mesh, but it would seem to greatly reduce the amount of tedious fiddly detail work the PAs would have to do, since it allows the computer to do the final adjustments of the clothing on the figure. 

  • I was messing around trying to use the reverse source form target option to fit a skirt to a morphed Aiko7 figure.  When  Gen3 morphs to Aiko7 the scale drops by 2.5%.  Any time time I try to fit to that figure it doesn't work.  Most off the geometry ends up inside the figure.  However, I exported a 100% scale Aiko figure, and modeled the skirt to that size.  When I imported the skirt into Daz it was clearly too large, but when I did the transfer (as the Aiko7 body morph) with the reverse source from target (the name of that option seems backwards to me  smiley​) the skirt fit "correctly" to the body.  It's not perfect, there are a lot of breaks in the mesh due to the fitting, but it is a starting point for building to a specific body.

    Somebody else will have to answer the question if this is a reasonable thing to do...or if I was just lucky.  It may be more work than it's worth, since reversing the morph back to Gen3 doesn't remove the wrinkles. So I'll have to fix the mesh for Gen3, and see if that corrects the issues with the Aiko morph.  My guess is that it won't.

  • Hello,

    I konw this is an old post but i found some answers to my problems in it but am still having a few small issues wanted to see if anyone had answers for me.

    I'm usinging Zbrush to make some simple clothing (shirts/pants etc)  I'm making this leather halter top for a Gen 3 Female.  I'm simply extracting a masking on my figure adn then exporting and  importing that extracted mask as the leather halter.  When i extract the halter top it reflects exactly to the contours of her body.  I want it to look like a peice of material so i modify the item some (smooth, innflate, move, etc)  when i import the halter  top to DAZ it  looks fine until i try to transfer.  Overall it still looks good an functions as needed with the Gen 3 figure.  I'm just getting some weired rippling at the seams under the breasts where have filled and built up the shirt so that it does not match her coutours exactly.  Anyway here  are a few pics

    top just after extract in Zbrush

    top after modifications in Zbrush

    top after import into Daz

    top after Transfer Util inn Daz.


    top after extract zbrush.jpg
    675 x 757 - 81K
    top after mods in Zbrush.jpg
    555 x 642 - 52K
    top after import into Daz.jpg
    519 x 472 - 37K
    top after Trans Util in Daz.jpg
    450 x 431 - 39K
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