Dystopian Worker Drone and Dynamic Damage

After downloading the add-on (Dynamic Damage) for Dystopian Worker Drone, I noticed that Dynanic Damage was not applying the texture (a rusty texture, for example) to the Drone.
(see attachments)
I tried 32-bit and 64-bit 4.9, and also 4.10 Public versions, and still got the same results.
As you can see (attachment 4), the most that was accomplished, was additional texture and color to eye and lower face. Other selections produced a blank head and face.(I never could get the rust texture to apply).
In fact, the body textures are not applying, either.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? What can be done to fix it?

575 x 656 - 32K

346 x 461 - 35K

1420 x 819 - 125K

1404 x 754 - 112K

994 x 722 - 53K
Post edited by dash2128 on
Are you rendering in Iray or 3Delight? The Dynamic Damage texture set (the most recent Worker Droid item in the store, I think) came out about a year before the DAZ|Studio update that introduced Iray; so all the materials will be 3Delight. Normally D|S will have a (moderately) good attempt at auto-converting 3Delight materials at render time, but IIRC Dynamic Damage has custom 3Delight materials, which don't always work well with auto-convert.
I just noticed none of your screenshots are actually renders, you're just taking shots of the Viewport. Many custom materials don't show up well, or at all, in the Viewport; to see them properly, you must render.
I had the same problem with the Dynamic Damage addon, which I bought during the PA sale. I could only find one thread discussing it: HERE.
After spending hours tearing my hair out trying every conceivable way of applying the damage textures, I eventually just gave up and accepted that the addon doesn't work - at least not using iray. It's a pity, because it was those textures that really made me interested in the drone.
If there really is no solution for this, then the product page should probably be updated to say it doesn't work with DS.
Thanks for replying!- Both of you.
I read the other thread, it appears the Drone product has caused problems before- too bad, because the add-on is very nice. (I wish it worked in the viewport.)
Good news is that it does work in a 3d'delight render.
I attached an example- a rusty head texture. (I also noticed that shaders can be applied- if one owns some cool ones that will work.)