DSON Importer help

Two problems.


I try to install DSON 64 bit and 32 bit and I get this message (see first attachment):


I installed DSON Manually into Poser pro 2012 and I got this error message (see other attachment):


I isntalled it directly into Runtime and I either got the same message or it started up with it.


Any help?







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522 x 535 - 37K
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439 x 365 - 47K


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    I don't have a mac, so not sure if all works the same, but how did you 'manual install'. In my case, manual installmenty (in windows10) meant pointing the installer to my poser11 installment - NOT the runtime folder..


    652 x 382 - 37K
    1. Open DIM
    2. Click the gear icon at top-right to open preferences
    3. Go to the Application tab
    4. Click the + button
    5. In the dialogue select PoserPro 2012 64 bit, then click the ... button and select teh folder that holds the .Poser.app file.
    6. Install the DSON Importer
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