Genesis Characters

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When a product says it for "Genesis" will it also work on the new Genesis characters?
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When a product says it for "Genesis" will it also work on the new Genesis characters?
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Auto-Follow should come into play althought some adjustment may be needed especially if any of your poses are extreme. From what I understand, Gen 8's are backwards compatible. I haven't used them much as I invested heavy in Gen3 but I did try some Gen2 clothes I have on the Gen8F model and they seemed to work fine. I have never worked with Genesis clothes but I'm sure you'll have a pretty good chance. I assume you're looking to have this answered prior to purchasing. I can say from personal experiance that Daz is very accomodating when it comes to returns (though I'm sure they keep an eye out for repeaters) so even if you try and it doesn't work out well, you should be able to return your purchase.
Hope this helps!
If you mean a character morph, not directly.
Characters morphs are specific to a figure mesh. For textures it depends: G2F/M can use V5/M5 textures, and G8F/M can use G3F/M textures, but other combinations won't work by default.
There are tools available to convert morphs or use textures accross generations, though.
For clothes, by default G2F/M have autofit clones for G1 clothes, G3F/M for G2F/M clothes, and G8F/M for all previous versions of Genesis.
Once again there are tools available to add other options.
Each generation of Genesis is their separat entity, as Leana already pointed out. You might find this thread useful:
The item is a kilt