Something is Amiss

Just recently, about everytime I use DAZ Studio, it seems I have to uninstall it, to re-install it, and then I can open it again, but when I close it out, heaven forbid that I might want to open it again, because this is what I get!!!!!!
Needless to say, I'm getting a little PO'ed about this, it won't open DS until I un-install, then restart the damn computer, then re-install, just what is going on here?

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1937 x 1097 - 282K
Post edited by GLWoodard on
If I had to hazard a guess i'd say your anti-virus software is quaranteening that dll (and possibly a couple of others) making it a non viable executable.
McAfee has been doing that for a few weeks.
We did just have a big update with Windows 10, and I was thinking that might have had something to do with it, except, that this happened only once before the big update last week, thats what I was thinking was the problem at first, however, now that you mention McAfee, and that came installed on this computer, I guess I should go and install Avast, never had any problems with them!
I just did a reinstall with the McAfee turned off, and was able to close the program and restart it again, maybe just shut off the anti-virus everytime I want to use DS!
Would that work at all?
Avast has been causing issues as well. Just tell Mcafee to accept the dll
How does one do that?
Typically anti-virus apps have an "exceptions" or "ignore" or some such list to deal with issues like these. I don't use either of these programs so can't give more specific instructions.
Both of these programs seem to be causing enough issues for users that they might as well be viruses.
I really, really want to see the 58 Apache Monster! (From your desktop)
My brother-in-law had the panel truck version.
One of the most beautiful trucks ever made.