Zoom on the Timeline

The solution to my problem is likely simple, but I'm apparently more simple. I'm trying to zoom in on the main character in a 5 second animation clip. I've tried to use the timeline, but I can't find a way to perform the zoom. Any suggestions?
How are you viewing the scene? The Perspective view doesn't animate, nor are its settings saved nor its changes added to the undo stack.
Yea and I'm glad it is that way.
@ martymack1
You may want to have a look at my other posts here: Animation Tools or Clearing the Timeline
As Richard said you have to use a camera so create a new camera, go to frame 0 and set the focal length etc, then go to the end frame (5 sec) and zoom or move the camera,
notice that only two keyframes makes DS ease in and out so if you want a more linear movement/zoom you have to either use keymate/graphmate or
create additional keyframes on the way, which takes a bit of experimenting to get right.
Try adding additional keyframes at 1 sec and 4 sec, then adjust till you get the desired result