Error saving

Now I'm getting an error while trying to save a scene or render to a specific folder in Daz3d. I have the latest version and running window 10. I NEVER had this problem before. It just started today. I'm really frustreated. It seems it will only let me save it the scenes I create now to the Daz folde MyDazLibrary. Why is this? Am I the only one having this problem? I reset the program to defaults as well. that didn;t work. I have an HP with intel 1.60 mghz and 1tb hard drive with 4 gigs of ram



1366 x 768 - 274K
Post edited by Cynthia Michaels on


  • That's the PNG, the thumbnail image - I suspect you will find that the desired preset/scene has saved though it may not have. Does saving to a different folder work any better?

  • it seems I can only save to users/public/publicdocuments/MyDAZ 3D Library. I never used to have this problem before. And even when I updated to daz 10, it still does it. I winder if I should unistall and reinstall again? But like I said, it worked fine the other day.

  • it is saving it that is weird.

  • So is it saving the .duf file and not the .png or is it failing to save either? It does sound like a permission or security software issue; I think there have been a few previous reports of similar behaviour but I can't recall how they ended up.

  • it saves them as the ,dyf in the one folder but now it won't save the .png except only in the Daz library folder.

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