Solved: Please Help. Missing Product Images in Smart Content?

TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
edited April 2013 in Daz Studio Discussion

Please excuse me if this has been asked before, but I've noticed there are some product icons in my Smart Content that have been replaced by the grey DAZ symbol with a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it. After some exploring, I've found the Support folder where the product icons are stored. The icons for the products in question appear to be present, but are failing to load correctly.
1. Does anyone know why this is happening?
2. If so, is there a way to fix it?

Post edited by TJohn on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Is the file in the location listed in the Support folder .dsx for the product? Is it in a content folder which is listed in the Content Directory Manager?

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Is the file in the location listed in the Support folder .dsx for the product? Is it in a content folder which is listed in the Content Directory Manager?

    Thanks,Mike! Yes to both questions.
    This was a new computer that I installed the latest stable version of DS4 Pro 64 and used the DIM to install all content, so products are all installed in the DIM default location, My Daz3D Library.

    I should say that this not a recent problem, the icons in question have been this way since the products were installed.
    There are only a few like this, so I;m probably just being anal, but I'd like them all to be consistent. :)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    I suspect a metadata error -- I've just been using "Content DB Maintenance > Remove Orphaned References" instead of trying to track them down, especially since quite a few products need their metadata updated anyway.

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2013

    edited and removed by user

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    I suspect a metadata error -- I've just been using "Content DB Maintenance > Remove Orphaned References" instead of trying to track them down, especially since quite a few products need their metadata updated anyway.

    As far as I can tell there are different reasons that may cause a similar looking issue:

    - Naming of the image file is not the same as the .dsa and .dsx files in /runtime support.

    Solution: Rename the files properly.
    Also check if the file size is about 114x148 and adjust it if necessary.

    - Location of the linked files was moved so only the references are left.


    As mike suggested "Content DB Maintenance > Remove Orphaned References"

    "Search directories for new files"

    For me a combination of both worked best. First "Search directories for new files" then use "Content DB Maintenance > Remove Orphaned References" to clean up.

    - Some images previews are not loading on the first try

    If you checked both issues naming and file references and the images still do not load there might be a random loading error.

    - Close DS4.5
    - go to /runtime/support and click on the .dsa file of the metadata product in question.

    Keep repeating that process several time until the image loaded properly.

    Sometimes I needed 5 tries. If it is still not loaded after 10 tries there might yet be another issue or one is very unlucky.

    - - -

    Some images / smart content products just seem to be corrupted:

    If the proposed solutions all did not help I created a new thumbnail preview for /runtime/support with the image downloaded from the DAZ store and then resized and named it properly.

    For some occasions that still did not solve it as well. I then created a completly new smart content "Product".
    Thank you! I have tried everything you suggested except, "... I then created a completly new smart content "Product"
    Do you know where I can find instructions on how to do that?

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2013

    edited and removed by user

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited February 2015

    It was mentioned in an earlier thread about this issue one solution is to add the three product support files to the product's .dsx file in Runtime>Support if they are not listed. Assuming all three files exist, .jpg, dsa and dsx in Runtime>Support, try this:

    The Process:

    1. Locate and select the product's folder in the Content Library>Products folders.
    2. Launch the Content DB Editor in the Active Pane Options menu (the little page icon with arrow pointing right on the upper right
    3. Put your mouse in the Files box and Right Click>Add Support Files.
    4. Locate all three files (Enter the Token (Product ID) in the search box, upper right) and shift-select all three files, dsa, dsx and jpg*, Click Open. The three files should be listed in the Files: box.
    5. Click Accept to close the Content DB Editor. If you get a message the files exist, click the Yes to overwrite the files.
    6. Click OK on the Export Complete screen.

    To test:

    Click on the Smart Content>Products>All to refresh the screen and hopefully the Product Icon now displays.

    edit: *The icon may be in .png format

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    I really appreciate your help and going to so much trouble, but no matter what I do, the new product file icon has the same problem, even if I create a new image. Your advice is detailed and excellent! Unfortunately, somewhat like Winnie the Pooh, I appear to be a person "of very little brain". I will mark this thread as "Solved" and bookmark it in case I ever get smarter. :)
    My sincere gratitude,

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Lindsey said:
    It was mentioned in an earlier thread about this issue one solution is to add the three product support files to the product's .dsx file in Runtime>Support if they are not listed. Assuming all three files exist, .jpg, dsa and dsx in Runtime>Support, try this:

    The Process:

    1. Locate and select the product's folder in the Content Library>Products folders.
    2. Launch the Content DB Editor in the Active Pane Options menu (the little page icon with arrow pointing right on the upper right
    3. Put your mouse in the Files box and Right Click>Add Support Files.
    4. Locate all three files (Enter the Token (Product ID) in the search box, upper right) and shift-select all three files, dsa, dsx and jpg, Click Open. The three files should be listed in the Files: box.
    5. Click Accept to close the Content DB Editor. If you get a message the files exist, click the Yes to overwrite the files.
    6. Click OK on the Export Complete screen.

    To test:

    Click on the Smart Content>Products>All to refresh the screen and hopefully the Product Icon now displays.

    Sorry! I made my last post before I read yours - works like a charm!
    Thanks to everyone who responded! (bows to the Gurus of DS)
  • Daniel BarnettDaniel Barnett Posts: 389
    edited December 1969

    OK - didn't work but I did find that it seems to be pointing to the wrong directory when I hit the accept. It seems to be going into C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Daz 3D\Studio4\Reality-Add-ons\Runtime\Support

    I have my daz products on an external drive since my laptop is limited in size. I hope you can point me in the right direction still?


  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited February 2015

    dbbdaniel said:
    OK - didn't work but I did find that it seems to be pointing to the wrong directory when I hit the accept. It seems to be going into C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Daz 3D\Studio4\Reality-Add-ons\Runtime\Support

    I have my daz products on an external drive since my laptop is limited in size. I hope you can point me in the right direction still?


    Is this still re: Charger Horse's missing icon in Smart Content "Products" tab? I was examining the current installer, the folders within it are dated 4/24/2014 and it is installing the support files and including them in the Files listing within the Content DB Editor.

    See picture.

    1. Can you post a picture of your Content DB Editor screen for the Charger Horse and scroll down until you see the three files I have highlighted in my picture.

    2. Also, if you can humor me, can you post the Smart Content product tab showing the Charger Horse product icon is missing. ...

    686 x 991 - 78K
    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • Daniel BarnettDaniel Barnett Posts: 389
    edited December 1969

    I finally got the Charger files to work but when I try other missing files it doesn't always work. I can't understand why they are looking in the My Documents folder for some of these.
    Thanks to all that helped with Charger!

  • Will this method work if you are using the Contemt Package Assist to add files to the Intall Manager? I've done this and most of my contemt has the white triangle mark.  I'm tryingto addd the content's thumbnail images.

  • RSand55RSand55 Posts: 161

    Same problem here. Happens all the time.

    Missing Icons.jpg
    470 x 426 - 46K
  • It's more than just thumbnails, it's affecting the texture files of hundreds of products.

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