Can't Migrate User Categories from DAZ Studio Pro to DAZ Studio 10

I created my own categories starting before DAZ Studio Since I was not interested at the time in continuing with new figures (Genesis 8), I did not download any version of DAZ Studio 4.9. However, I decided I wanted to try Dforce so through DIMI downloaded and installed 4.10. None of my categories migrated over. I had backed up my data through "Export........and have three User files. My Library and all relevant files are in their default location. I do have some files on my drive G. These are all of my saved scene that I created. Those migrated over fine. Even after I imported my data back, it did not show up. Since I back up my C drive on my computer, I kept putting back my DAZ Studio 4.8. I tried to import having all items checked. When that didn't work, I put 4.8 on again and this time only checked user data as well as the override product metadata (or whatever it is called). I want to buy Genesis 8 files, but if I can't use my categories, it isn't worth it for me. Thanks
It shouldn't, I think, matter for importing exported user data, but were you using PostgteSQL in 4.8 or Valentina?
When I recently logged a ticket with Support on this between 4.8 and 4.10 Beta (PostgreSQL on both) I was told that the export/import doesn't work on non-Daz3D content because the tables didn't match. And I would to recatagorise all the ones which didn't come across again. I am seeing Daz3D content not populating my 4.10Beta catagorise as well after an import. Seems to me the export/import should work regardless and I can't see the difference between Daz3D and non-Daz3D as far as a data table could be concerned. Like Paula says this isn't making it easy to make a move to a later version.
I was using the latest version of DIM as well as PostgteSQL. I updated from Valentina in the beginning. When I updated from 4.7 to 4.8 everything migrated perfectly. Now nothing migrates, be it DAZ or otherwise. 3Ddreamer is right. How would a data base know what is made in DAZ and what isn't? If that is the case, this is ridiculous.
User Data should import whether it's Daz 3D content or not. It may be that the database was corrupt but you should still be able to use the re-import metadata function to move your user data.
It did not reimport when I tried it.
I too have a extensive library which I have spent countless hours organizing into categories. My C Drive became full so I moved my library to a 4 terabyte external drive. All of my categories are missing now. Where can I find the original data file, and where do I place it?
I would like to know this as well "Where can I find the original data file, and where do I place it?" I do not understand why one cannot transfer user categoriized data. (DAZ is losing money because I cannot upgrade.) I have never had any luck exporting and reimporting data.
Did you Export User Data?
where do I find user data? I moved my daz 3D library, and the “ Studio, and Studio 4” folders I didn’t find a folder called user data
Edited to fix quote
The exported user data is written to /Runtime/Support/UserData_#.dsx in the first Daz studio content directory, where # will be a number depending on how many exports you have already made. It is reloaded by using the Content Library pane option menu>Content DB Maintenance>Re-Import Metadata, then checking the User data options in the product list dialogue. The /Runtime/Suport folder will also hold the emtadata fiels for installed products.