The Wind! The Wind???

Hi guys,

I am lost... I need a little help with dForce... I would like to learn the how to set up a "Wind node" in dForce. The data I have come across is hack and slash/otherwise it is limited.

I could be looking in the wrong areas or wording my searches wrong. So if anybody in the know could push me in the right dirction. I would be happy as a pig in.... Opps! Sorry! I would be very happy!

Please and thank you!


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    On the Create nenu, select New dForce Wind Node.

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    This might help, I've been following this thread.

  • Note that there is a bug in the release build, fixed in the nwe Public Beta.

  • Thanks barbult, I do know how to get the wind node loaded. I guess I need to make myself more clear.

    I was looking for data on the use of wind node and setting up a clothing simulation, setting up the cloth, like a cloth sheet blowing in the wind and the reaction if the cloth was made of diffrent materials, like silk, denim and so forth. How does one set up the cloth settings, is there info/data on this subjet someplace?

    Anyone working on this? Or am I missing a forum topic in the works already?

    Also: thanks 3Dreamer. The link to the info was very usful too with regards to the above subject.   

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