Dynamic Martial Arts Gi: Genesis 2

I just bought the Martial arts gi for Genesis 2 but every time I apply the clothes to my figure, it doesn't conform at all. Especially any female figure I use.
It just looks like a giant baggy mess. What do I do to fix this?
This https://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-martial-arts-gi-genesis-2 ? Optitex clothing doesn't morph as the base figure morphs, so if you have taken the character far from its base shape the fit will be poor or unusable (this set does have a version for SWOLE). You could probably adapt these to work with dForce, sicne theya re already set to work as dynamics.
Go to Windows->Panes(Tabs)->Dynamic Clothing. Inside that pane you will find the Drape Button. Use that to drape the Gi onto your character.
Okay I'll give that a try.