Lighting issues

How come this scene is so dark? In the product promo images it appeared much brighter and more balenced. What can be done to improve it? 


lighting one.jpg
955 x 881 - 549K


  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    More light. Lighting setups as shown in promos aren't included unless specifically listed. It would also help to know what lighting you used, whether 3DL or Iray etc.

    Even when scenes are included, they may not include lighting.

  • Thanks fastbike! Yes, I've noticed that. Also, camera angles seem to vary wildly from one set to another. 

    To answer your question, I'm using Iray which I think is what the product was intended for. here's the link:

    I tried adding a point light but then my entire scene went dark except for that light. Is there a way perhaps to increase the intensity of the lights already in the scene or does it require something else?


  • I'm using Iray which I think is what the product was intended for. here's the link:

     Actually, it isn't — looking at the SKU number on the product page, the Cafeteria model came out a little while before Iray was added to DAZ|Studio, so all the materials would still be set up for 3Delight. Some materials would auto-convert well when you render, but some would need manually converting into Iray followed by a bit of tweaking.

    I tried adding a point light but then my entire scene went dark except for that light. Is there a way perhaps to increase the intensity of the lights already in the scene or does it require something else?

    The default lighting (unless the scene includes lights) is a Headlight attached to whichever camera you're looking through, plus an Environment light, which won't help much in an indoor scene. The Headlight is only for preview purposes, and automatically turns off when you add a real light to the scene. You'll have to add a complete light setup yourself.

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