Saving Hair DForms as new morph dials? [SOLVED]

cdpro_2831bbd990cdpro_2831bbd990 Posts: 1,430

I've read through the thread about saving morphs done in Zbrush.  But, my specific question is, "Is it possible to export and obj from a Dformed hair in Daz and re-import it through Morph Loader Pro, and then save it as a morph asset for that hair?"

Many really nice hair models just don't come with enough shaping morphs to suit me.  So, after doing all the work to Dform the hair into the shape I like, I'd like to be able to save it as a morph dial for future use.

Thanks for any help!

Post edited by cdpro_2831bbd990 on


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    No need to export, you can do it in the deform tab. With the hair selected click on spawn morph, name it and click ok, the morph will show in parameter pane under morphs,

    you can then delete the deformer.

  • No need to export, you can do it in the deform tab. With the hair selected click on spawn morph, name it and click ok, the morph will show in parameter pane under morphs,

    you can then delete the deformer.

    Wow...awesome, Thanks!  I had no idea it was that simple. :)

  • Yea spawn morph is easy for shure,

    If you like to add a smoothing modifier with collision settings to prevent the hair / scullcap going throug the head by the DFormer, I suggest you to export an OBJ-File. Keep in mind to set everything else but the hair (still fitted to the figure) invisible (Ctrl+select in Scene pane & Display Visible OFF in Parameters pane) and export with Ignore Invisible. You can have all current shaping morphs on the hair but before you re-import with Morphloader you may want to disable the smoothing modifier and the DFormers. With this prepared you can use the Morphloader pro ReverseDeformation setting to yes - so you get a new morph with only the shape difference between the current scene hair and the OBJ morph export (including head collision and DFormer).


  • cdpro_2831bbd990cdpro_2831bbd990 Posts: 1,430
    edited November 2017

    Here's Young Lyra wearing Amarseda Hair for V4.  The first is the hair without the new morphs.  The second is with the morphs applied.  I used two Dformers to create two morphs - a lower crown volume and a right bangs out.  I wanted a wispy, less glamour looking hair.  Also, I used PhilW's hair shaders to update to iray.

    Young Lyra Dual layer Ameriseda hair 2.jpg
    1199 x 1697 - 2M
    Post edited by cdpro_2831bbd990 on
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