Lights Showing as Physical Objects

It used to be when I placed a point light in a scene it emitted light, but the little sphere representing the light didn't actually render. Now it does, so if I place a point light on a candle flame, my flame ends up looking like a light bulb due to the sphere showing. What do I need to do to make it invisible again without eliminating the lighting effect? This has been going on for at least a year, I'm just now getting around to mentioning it since it's really messing up my current image. In case it's important, I'm using DS 4.9 on a Windows 10 box.


  • Iray or 3Delight? Iray lights have a render Emitter property - though it affects only diect view, if you look through the candle flame you will still see the emitter in those areas. Can you not make the candle flame an emitter?

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    I am rendering in Iray. I'm not really understanding what you are saying. Do you mean turn off emmision on the shader properties of the flame textures? I'll take a look at the scene. It is a preset scene by DM.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    Okay, I went and looked at the scene, and I was mistaken, there are no point lights involved, it is simply that the flames have been set up as emitters. So, what you're saying is that you cannot have a flame emit light without it turning into a bulb? If I'm understanding that correctly, that really takes away from the usefulness of being able to turn an object into a light. I am attaching a sample from the render (after over 19 hours it was still super grainy, so I may give up on this one anyway). All of the red glass lamps and the lantern the girl is carrying have the flames set as light emmitters. Do I need to turn off the texture emmision and instead place point lights in each lamp/lantern? 

    Thanks, Richard!

    19 Hours Light Sample.jpg
    1687 x 1113 - 479K
  • I would expect the emitter to look like the emitting surface - that looks unexpected. Which set is it?

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    It's DMs Mystic Shadows, which unfortunately, is a Rendo product, so you have no way of investigating it. I did note that their sample images for the product reflect the same "bulb" look I am getting.

  • Ah, I do have it wishlisted but not yet purchased. Check in wireframe to see how the lights/flames are made.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    Thanks, Richard. I'm experimenting with all sorts of things, we'll see what happens. Gorgeous set, by the way.

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