Please help with Rotate tool issue

I want to orbit around the model in some mannor.  Sometimes it does and then for no reason I can see it says, 'naw,' and stops.  The rotation becomes enormous or starts spinning on an axis.  In other programs I can control whether I rotate around an object, a point, or rotate the camera around.  Here its so frustrating.  Sometimes deleting the camera and starting over helps.   Sometimes I literally have to restart the program to get it back.  I've tried all the coordinates in tool settings.  I've looked at preferences.  I've tried pointing the camera at my girl's face.  I've tried limiting the axis it can move on.  Could someone please provide me with the location that controls how the rotation works.  And putting the model in the center of the scene isn't an option.  Is anyone else having this issue?  Am I frustrated to the point of throwing things because I did something wrong?  And why doesn't it always point to the place I say.  Sometimes it does (though that makes the camera do this summersault that I can't get rid of in animation when I try to do a 360 degree orbit.)  I'm trying to get a brian de palma style camera orbit that defines intense confusion and the world coming apart at the seams.  Ironically, that's what Daz is doing to me.  


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    One quick tip to avoid the "summersaults": Parent the camera to an invisible object (a primitive or a null), then rotate the object around the y axis. You can still animate the camera to

    get more complex movements if you like.

  • andykartaandykarta Posts: 84
    edited October 2017

    I tried putting a null object into my character and parenting it to the camera.  The camera flipping went away but it got so jittery.  More than normal.  I had to slow down the animation to a crawl so it didn't look like someone was tazing the cameraman. 

    I do appreciate the help though. 

    I'm really frustrated at how my workflow gets stopped by what I call 'that daz (censored)'.  I would have uninstalled long ago but Genesis models are so much more beautiful than anything else especially when incorporating facegen.  Using Daz is like dating someone that's really hot but a total psycho. 

    Camera rotation should not be an issue in 2017.   

    Maybe its like all the export issues.  Maybe there's a fifty dollar plugin at the daz store that'll make rotation work like it should have out of the box.

    Sorry if I'm venting but no one in my house understands.


    Post edited by andykarta on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    andykarta said:

    I tried putting a null object into my character and parenting it to the camera.  The camera flipping went away but it got so jittery.  More than normal.  I had to slow down the animation to a crawl so it didn't look like someone was tazing the cameraman. 

    I do appreciate the help though. 

    I'm really frustrated at how my workflow gets stopped by what I call 'that daz (censored)'.  I would have uninstalled long ago but Genesis models are so much more beautiful than anything else especially when incorporating facegen.  Using Daz is like dating someone that's really hot but a total psycho. 

    Camera rotation should not be an issue in 2017.   

    Maybe its like all the export issues.  Maybe there's a fifty dollar plugin at the daz store that'll make rotation work like it should have out of the box.

    Sorry if I'm venting but no one in my house understands.


    Lol, been there done that! I agree about the cameras having some issues but what do you mean by jittery? I mean if you parent a camera to a null at frame 0, then go to say frame 200 and rotate the null a number of degrees it should simply ease in and out totally smoothly.

    Just don't give up, I'm sure you'll find a way/workaround eventually!

  • andykarta said:


    Lol, been there done that! I agree about the cameras having some issues but what do you mean by jittery? I mean if you parent a camera to a null at frame 0, then go to say frame 200 and rotate the null a number of degrees it should simply ease in and out totally smoothly.

    Just don't give up, I'm sure you'll find a way/workaround eventually!

    Never will give up.  I've never been this obscessed with anything before.

    What I'm Trying To Do

    You know in Body Double where a young bill mahr is making out with the hot girl in the tunnel and the camera's going around and around at (and I tested it) 8 rpm.  The camera's at nipple height, looking up at them as they smooch and orbits them three times.  Well I need exactly that to drive home the horror and insanity my  OCD girl feels as she notices spilled coffee on her desk (as Duel of Fates plays in the background).

    What You Asked

    What i get is mostly Y transition and an uneven looking motion that comes from the tweening.  It looks like the camera man's hand is shaking.   When I lock out the Y transition it doesn't help so it isn't that.  I'm suspecting that it has to do with the group object she's in.   I started with eight keyframes, went up to 32 (which was a joy).  And of course there was the sudden aleron roll the camera makes 2/3rds of the way through.  Making it a child to a null object gets rid of that.  But it gets more jittery.   I need the camera to point at the head, which i suspect is the cause of both the jitteriness and the loopty loop. 

    More Whiny Venting

    I would do it in Cinema 4D but I haven't found a way of exporting the rigging from Daz.   Rigging Gen 2 in Cinema 4D is tough because the daz model doesn't take the bind very well unless she's naked (the bodysuit she's wearing has its own skeleton).  Its the same reason I can't use Mixamo.  I would just use Bodypaint 3D and draw her uniform on her body but Gen2 UV maps explode when I try to map them manually.  So as I plan to do this Lynda Mudbox tutorial series(great...more software to learn) its back to the psycho girlfriend.


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    andykarta said:
    What I'm Trying To Do

    You know in Body Double where a young bill mahr is making out with the hot girl in the tunnel and the camera's going around and around at (and I tested it) 8 rpm.  The camera's at nipple height, looking up at them as they smooch and orbits them three times.  Well I need exactly that to drive home the horror and insanity my  OCD girl feels as she notices spilled coffee on her desk (as Duel of Fates plays in the background).

    Can't remember that  particular scene but I get the picture:)

    andykarta said:

    What You Asked

    What i get is mostly Y transition and an uneven looking motion that comes from the tweening.  It looks like the camera man's hand is shaking.

    So you must have recorded some camera movement that is causing that. Either delete the keyframes or start from scratch with a new camera parented to a null!

      When I lock out the Y transition it doesn't help so it isn't that. 

    If you've created keyframes for the camera prior to locking the Y transitions DS will still use those keyframes. If you lock the Y transitions before you animate the camera DS will ignore

    the locked transitions.

    I'm suspecting that it has to do with the group object she's in.

    That should not matter.

      I started with eight keyframes, went up to 32 (which was a joy).  And of course there was the sudden aleron roll the camera makes 2/3rds of the way through.  Making it a child to a null object gets rid of that.  But it gets more jittery.   I need the camera to point at the head, which i suspect is the cause of both the jitteriness and the loopty loop. 

    I suggest you start all over at frame 0. Position a null object inside her head or wherever you want the camera to point. Create a new camera and position it so you get the right angle, then parent the

    camera to the null. Also at this stage set the DOF if you use that. Avoid moving the camera if you can, or keep it to a minimum. Animate the null. You can of course zoom in or out as you wish.

    You also might want to consider doing it the other way, parent the whole scene to a null or group, then rotate the scene instead,  that makes it easier to get the camera to work.

    And if you render in 3Delight you can apply motion blur in the render pane, advanced settings. Everything further away from the center will move faster getting more blurred.

    I'm not using IRay but I think there are some products in the store for motion blur with IRay.

    Also if you own keymate and graphmate you can check out the curves for the keyframes you create to see what actually happens, and tweek them to your liking. Highly recommended;)

    andykarta said:

    More Whiny Venting

    I would do it in Cinema 4D but I haven't found a way of exporting the rigging from Daz.   Rigging Gen 2 in Cinema 4D is tough because the daz model doesn't take the bind very well unless she's naked (the bodysuit she's wearing has its own skeleton).  Its the same reason I can't use Mixamo.  I would just use Bodypaint 3D and draw her uniform on her body but Gen2 UV maps explode when I try to map them manually.  So as I plan to do this Lynda Mudbox tutorial series(great...more software to learn) its back to the psycho girlfriend.

    Sorry can't help you with that, there are a lot of people around to help you with those issues if you post them in a new thread.

    Good luck with your project!


  • Thanks Sven.  That's awesome.  I'll let you know what happens.  This is a really responsive forum. 

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