8GB is not an enormous amount of RAM these days. Try selecting your figures, clothes, and hair then in the Parameters pane's Editor tab look under the Mesh Resolution group (if present) and lower the Render Subdivision level - can you then render? You can also try using smaller textures - there's a free script for that, or https://www.daz3d.com/scene-optimizer
soo i tryed it but as i render my pc crashed black sceen tryed reset it got blue sceen of death BUT i dont think its from the render i think it might been a program i downlaoded before.... so now i need wait for new one now sucks only had it 2 weeks xD
8GB is not an enormous amount of RAM these days. Try selecting your figures, clothes, and hair then in the Parameters pane's Editor tab look under the Mesh Resolution group (if present) and lower the Render Subdivision level - can you then render? You can also try using smaller textures - there's a free script for that, or https://www.daz3d.com/scene-optimizer
weird the render sub level was on between 1-3 but i dont rember editing them ? let me edit them all and try again
soo i tryed it but as i render my pc crashed black sceen tryed reset it got blue sceen of death BUT i dont think its from the render i think it might been a program i downlaoded before.... so now i need wait for new one now sucks only had it 2 weeks xD