Download Was Corrupted?

NeonicNeonic Posts: 18


So I'm new to Daz 3D. I was downloading and installing the Software (didn't know it'd default and hog my C Drive); 
So I started downloading it to my D Drive (where I keep everything - it's pretty big) then I got a Computer Notice 
saying that I was running out of space on my C Drive. I don't mind, I can clean that up. But, I uninstalled the 
Software then re-installed it to my D Drive (yep, under the Installer Settings too). But, it wouldn't download the 
assets or anything cause it said they already existed on my drive. I just let it keep on doing its thing, I transitioned 
everything over to the D Drive but the Assets are still corrupted. I tried dragging and dropping the .duf files into 
Daz 3D to help it attach itself. It worked with some but 90% of the Software is still corrupt. 

Below are a few screenshots:


Post edited by Chohole on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Reinstall and then uninstall using DIM.    The only way to be sure to have removed all of DS is to unisntall using DIM

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    It's not corrupted, icons have a /!\ because DS doesn't find the content where it expects it to be.

    Since you changed where you install the content, did also you change the path to the content directories in DS preferences?

  • NeonicNeonic Posts: 18

    Thanks for the feedback! :)

    Chohole said:

    Reinstall and then uninstall using DIM.    The only way to be sure to have removed all of DS is to unisntall using DIM

    I just did that, I used the uninstaller, uninstalled everything then I double checked the directories then reset my computer.
    Then I reset my computer one more time. Then I re-downloaded the DIM and installed everything to new directories like shouldbe, 
    after which I restarted my computer after installation and it still shows they're all corrupted.
    (The splash screen updated so I got the newest version).

    Leana said:

    It's not corrupted, icons have a /!\ because DS doesn't find the content where it expects it to be.

    Since you changed where you install the content, did also you change the path to the content directories in DS preferences?

    Yeah, my file direcotires show blank in the Daz 3D file info section thing and when I try to right click to show me the directory where it's 
    requesting then it doesn't do anything (cause the file path is empty).


  • NeonicNeonic Posts: 18


    I followed this tutorial and got most of my Products, Models, Poses, etc. fixed; 
    however I still have a few things that are still broken and can not find the 
    .duf file (but when I right-click to see the directory) it'll be found where it 
    says it wasn't found. I started thinking maybe it's a failed registery file?

    Here's the link if it may help someone else in the future:

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