How do I save a combined object as a prop?

I made a clothespin that has three parts, the top the bottom and the base they need to be seperated so I can open and close it.

I parented the top and bottom to the base and saved it as a Figure/Prop asset but then only the base will load. I tried to export the obj but then when I import it, it will mush them together to one object and I cant move the parts seperetly. How do I save it so they stay seperated but load at once?


  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    I made a tripod for a news camera. I parented each of the legs of the tripod to the camera then saved the camera a scene subset. Now when I go to load it, I go to File>Merge>Props and it's in that folder. Hope that helps.

  • You save each individual piece as individual figure/prop. Then you load them in scene and save as wearable preset or scene subset. 

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