How do my I upload my custom daz 4.6 duf file (poses for G2 in this case) in 4.9 ?



I have a problem using Daz 4.9+. I seem to have tried everything but my poses won't load.


Can somebody tell me how to do it step by step, pretty please?


What I tried:


1/ I install DAZ 4.9 via the install manager. I get:


(etc. = daz created folders, I will list them all if you need them)

- folders in program files with the download/install manager

- Folders in my documents (C:\Users\*****\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\etc. )

- Folders in c:\users\public\etc.


I tried putting my files in all those folders, and they never appear in DAZ despite all that...


I'm desperate. Hope somebody can tell me what I'm doing wrong.


Thanks in advance.


  • What format are they files? Where are you looking in DS? If you put them in the My Library folder, for example, you should see them in the Content Library pane under Daz studio Formats>My Library>folder you used, if they are DS format files. Poser format files are fussier about placement.

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