Texture Atlas on G3M with Iray Mats

algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

Been working on using the Texture Atlas on Markus Zombie. I've collapsed the UVs before running the plugin, but am not sure how to get the Texture Atlas to work on all of Markus Zombie's maps. The last dialog for the plugin looks like this:

The list seems hard coded to be populated with 7 maps (no matter what the materials are). How do I populate the "Created Images" list with the maps that Markus Zombie actually uses? 

When I run the plugin, I get the diffuse and bump maps created for the new atlas UVs, but in the case of Markus Zombie, need the Translucency Color, Glossy Layered Weight and Top Coat Weight maps as well.

Thanks in advance for any info anybody can provide.

- Greg

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