Installation Confusion 4 methods?????

Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

1) DIM- Daz Install Manager (Currently doesn't see new purchases unless typed directly in search field)

2) Daz Studio Smart Content pane (seems to install in a 'cloud directory' that keeps products with scripts from working)

3) Online Store Connect (Using the internet browser to download/install from list called Product Library) - Daz STILL counts these products as uninstalled in Smart Content Pane

4) Manual install using drag&drop as a zip/rar files contents like a folder called "runtime is dragged over the Daz content folder called Runtime and they are merged. (Doesn't show up anywhere aside from the 'Content Library'.)

What's the best way to install an item so that it ...

a) Shows up in Smart Content Pane

b) Works with products like Bone Doctor or anything that needs to write in the folder where files are kept. 

As in Convert Genesis 2 poses to Genesis 3 poses- so that it dumps the new files in the source folder and they all become available from the Smart Content pane.


Post Script: I'd like to avoid the Content Library Tab as it's a huge tree branch of menus that never finds what I type in the search field AND when it does,  it uses tiny icon-images to represent the content in question.

After many Google searches, I have re-installed my library, updated the User Database and my library looks normal.

My newest turn of purchased products, an extensive list- is uninstalled and I'd like to know the best way to proceed.

So, far POSES seem to be the problematic category- so maybe it's okay to use the internal Daz installer for Everything else BUT poses.

I'm not unopposed (pun intended) to that.

And maybe I need to customize the Content Library Pane so that it's more user friendly.


Post edited by Griffin Avid on


  • If items are not showing in DIM check that it is not hiding Connect available items- click Download Filtrs and scroll to the end.

    Not all scripts will fail to run if installed via Connect, though it's true that some (generally those with hard-coded relative paths from the root content directory) will.

    For 3) do you mean the Offline Installer packages?

    When manually installing (which won't show anywhere but Daz Studio Formats/Poser Formats unless you import the metadata) it sounds as if you may be going a level to deep  -the Runtime (and Data etc.) foldrs should be dropped in the content directory, the folder that already holds the existing Runtime and Data folders - reading your post literally you are putting the Runtme folder inside the existing runtime folder, which is not going to work.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    Thank you, will explore further.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    Also keep in mind that DIM and Connect only work with DAZ assets. Third party assets will be manual install anyway. That's why I personally go with manual, apart being by far more reliable.

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    Yeah, I have a separate folder for ALL outside-of-Daz stuffs.

    Good point.

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