Best Iray Shaders for create Arts renders (comics, manga, edges, toony)
Hello artists!
I need your advices (and your help so ^^).
I want know if you know any stunning Shaders for Iray for create arts renders, likely how "Comics", "Manga", "Crayon Edges", "Toony CellShading" looks!
I discovered this product:
(not yet purchased), but it can do the trick, anyway, I would know if any of you all there will have other products to recommend me !
(if Free products on other websites it interests me aswell, but as you wish !)
Thanks and happy preparation for Halloween :)
Does it "have" to be Iray? Because there's several excellent 3Delight shader available that are well used by folks here who create comic. Though, it all depends on what style you are aiming for.
Here's also a thread that might give you some ideas:
The question remains, what style are you aiming for? and the shader you already have is the only Iray shader for toons, as far as I know.
(As for the 3DL - they usually come with shaders to achieve the desired effect (like, but outside of that, most Iray surfaces render in 3Delight, though not neccessarily as well as in iray of course.)
If you plan to use shaders on them anyway then the fact that items have only iray materials included is not really blocking...
Ha, thanks, the style I want target is like that:
(EDIT at the style of this render: is too much watercolor for me (if you what I mean, it's a great GREAT render, but not my taste exactly of what I want to achieve!)
The seems approach it.. but..
This can be a good point of start... Anyway, I want a comic/cellshaded (I have a manga in my mind, but don't able to re-catch its name!)
Anyway, you see better what I search to have ?
Also, you and @Leana said, that 3Delight shader will work in Iray engine for a render.. But seems not, either it's too bright, either it's too dark, colors aren't respected, and edges are blured.
I know also it can provide better effect with better settings, but, as I'm not a great professionnal with Iray (I love it, I use always it but settings are ... numberous, also surfaces settings are .. plenty of conditions!)
Thanks for any answer!!
Have a nice day :)
Actually, I think the best and easiest option for you would be to invest some money into Filter Forge. Here's an example using the Old Book Filter (one of the settings) on an Iray Image. The filter can be adjusted, or you can even edit it and make your own.
Filter applied
Changed settings
This is a filter called Artification. I loaded one of the presets and changed the settings slightly to get it to show colour instead of b/w.
Thanks @BeeMKay, but as you understood my needs I only want direct Iray shaders.
I do not need a Photoshop toolbox or external filters :/
So... I'm at the starting point now :(
You have already found the Sketchy shaders for Iray; these are the only Iray comic shaders in the store. If you need others you would have to write your own.
However, the toony example renders that you showed all look like they have used postwork not shaders. Bottom layer would be your rendered image with simplified color areas (posterization is one quick way to make this). Then the top layer would be a "found edges" layer multiplied over the bottom layer to make the lines. That type of style is not reproducible in Iray at this time.
I understand where you are coming from. I also prefer to do as much as possible directly in the render, no postwork-thank-you-very-much.
But, as agent unawares already pointed out, there are some things that don't work in render. Also, if it's time you are worried about - the postwork in FilterForge took about 10 seconds, even less if I had saved the filter preset that I fiddled. That's not too shabby. Photoshop actions might need a bit longer, depending on what you do, but in some cases they are also giving faster and better results that a render can.
But as you are buying the Iray comic shader anyway, you can try to tweak it until the results are as close as possible, or maybe even exactly what you are looking for.
Sketchy shaders seems great, but not as great as this render.
Anyway, I asked to the author of this image, and it seems it use .... 3Delight render engine and many postwork..
I will be soooo happy if all can be achieved without postwork (since it mean more work, I have A LOT of panels to do with my comic book in mind).
Not even possible to think making postwork on each of its renders !
I know it's better with postwork (indeed), but it's not a comic to be paid (not for sale) just a comic that I want having that "special touch" for personal eyes pleasure, sharing for free in a comic open community :)
It's exactly that, doing all the stuff in render directly with NO postwork at all is a great amount of time saved and I can concentrate more on storyboard than filtering stuff..
Anyway, it seems I must play with settings of Iray shaders like I decided in first to appraoch the most possible of the special touch of this render image.
It blow my eyes how stunning it is.
Thanks for all you answers if any want add his/her special tricks top of that I will be glad to know it!
Anyway, just keep in mind: I do not want make any postwork at all.
In other projects I certainly love doing postwork, but on this project I will hate that!
Thanks for sharing your tricks and have a nice day artists :)
Honestly... from my experience, what you "safe" in postwork time in regards to this, you will have to add double or triple in setting up the render and all. If that is really the time saver you imagine remains to be seen.
In any case, good luck on your search, and if you find a miracle solution, feel free to share it with your fellow artists. :-)
I purchased the -
So... I will now test some bunch of experiments I have in head, and yes, if I discover a technic that approach the render I shown, I will explain how I achieved it by coming back here to add as attached files my presets.
(if it is authorized by the EULA, I will look if it will possible to share my presets FOR the shader I purchased (not the shaders itself!) !!!)
That's pretty cool. If I had drawn something like that & scanned it, wouldn't have had all the stuff in the background. Would've taken hours in PS back from CS-6. Amazing what DS can do!
@ Atanacius
Maybe we share the same hobby with comics/graphic novels. Best wishes! Bookmarking topic-- hope it works for you. Be waiting to see. : )