64 bit client?

in New Users
Hi all.
I was looking for a digital mannequin to help me with my anatomy and poses for sketching, a friend recommended Daz.
Is there a 64-bit client or is the free version only 32 bit?
DS (Daz Studio) has both 32 and 64 bit versions, and both are at 100% discount.
The Daz Install Manager is 32 bit only as it doesn't handle large amounts of data at one time.
Thank you. I found the installer app and its doing it all for me :)
It seems to have detected I need the 64-bit version. Should I not use it in the future?
Not use what? DIM is fine as a 32 bit installer, whether the main application is 32 or 64 bit. On DS itself, Iray is available only in the 64 bit version but LipSync (if you want to make an aniamtion with lip movemenmts matching recorded speech) is 32 bit only so there may be occasions when you want to have both installed.