Keeping Colors Separate in the Layered Image Editor

in New Users
I am trying to add a logo to a shirt through the layered image editor. When I upload my logo's image, the color of the logo is mixed with the diffuse color.
How do I keep the logo's color and the diffuse color separate?
I can't seem to find the answer this in the tutorials.
In the Layered Image Editor make sure that the logo layer is 100% Opacity and that the blend mode is Alpha Channel Blend (the other modes combine the colour of the layer with the colour below it).
Thanks for the response. The logo layer is at 100% opacity, and the blend mode is Alpha Channel Blend. The colors still mix together.
Does it have an alpha channel?
That might be the issue. I am using the V4 bodysuit, and it does not have one of those little picture icons in place of the down arrow for the "diffuse color" box. When I tried the LIE with an article of clothing that had the little picture icon, the logo was added perfectly (you can probably tell I have little idea what I am talking about).
How do I make the bodysuit the alpha channel?
If you are rendering in Iray, have you considered using decals?
I found that LIE sometimes gives unwanted results, and the easiest way is to find the texture, get it to photoshop or gimp, and add the badge/whatever as a layer. You can then load the image into the surface slot and replace the current image. It's basically what LIE is doing, you just have more control. If you are worried about the placing, use LIE to place the badge, then go to the Render Temp folder, and look for the temporary image that LIE created. Use that as in-between layer to match the position in photoshop/Gimp; you can delete it after you positioned the badge.
EDIT: There's also this inregards to decals, which is a useful helper tool:
The Diffuse Color is aways added/blended to the texture. Leave it white and change to a texture map that is colored how you want.
Thank you guys so much for all of the ideas. I tried them all...and failed miserably. I think my level of knowledge is so poor that I did not understand the instructions I was being given.
However, I found something that worked. I thought I would share in case it answers somebody else's question later:
In the Diffuse Color area of the Surfaces tab, I selected Browse from the dropdown menu, which you open by selecting the arrow pointing downwards.
I then loaded an image that I made in Microsoft paint of just a square with the base color I wanted for the clothing. That changed the entire color of the clothing to the color I wanted.
Finally, I opened the Layered Image Editor, added a new layer, and opened the logo I wanted as the resource for that new layer. From there, is was just a matter of positioning the logo.
JetSmart, BeeMKay, and Richard, thank you again for your help.