Love the multi-colored eyes, and that little sliver of red inside the earpiece on our right. If it were me- I would change two things. First I'd like more space beneath the chin before the end of the page. Second, Bliss is waaaaay too blue and dark. I didn't even see it the first time. Both Kode and Bliss need to come down a bit from the top of the page. (and don't crowd the letters on the side margin either.)
I really, really like the lighting and the expression!
Love the multi-colored eyes, and that little sliver of red inside the earpiece on our right. If it were me- I would change two things. First I'd like more space beneath the chin before the end of the page. Second, Bliss is waaaaay too blue and dark. I didn't even see it the first time. Both Kode and Bliss need to come down a bit from the top of the page. (and don't crowd the letters on the side margin either.)
I really, really like the lighting and the expression!
I agree about your sugeestions. Thanks for your input.
Love the multi-colored eyes, and that little sliver of red inside the earpiece on our right. If it were me- I would change two things. First I'd like more space beneath the chin before the end of the page. Second, Bliss is waaaaay too blue and dark. I didn't even see it the first time. Both Kode and Bliss need to come down a bit from the top of the page. (and don't crowd the letters on the side margin either.)
I really, really like the lighting and the expression!
I’d add a rim light on the side of the eclipse
Thanks spent some time trying to get the right balance while still getting the reflections right.
I agree about your sugeestions. Thanks for your input.
I will play with this idea and see whre it goes, thanks.
Kelly (Kode of Bliss)
BTW if anyone is interested in hearing the album, just let me know I can shoot you a link to the Soundcloud page.
I would be interested in hearing the album