Where do I find my morphs for G8F and how do I make a diffrent thumbnail for it?

I used a tool to tranfer some morphs from G3F to G8F but it dosen't make thumbnails. I loaded the morphs with morph loader pro but where do I find them in my DAZ3D folder and how do I give it a thumbnail?
Oh I also found, that the morph loader pro dosen't write the morph permatly on G8F. How do I save the figure then so that when I click on the G8F basic figure it loads too?
Post edited by Illidanstorm on
File>Save as>Moprh Asset, but make sure you have the correct paths set first as it's easier to change before saving (individual moprhs can be changed via the parameter Settings dialogue, opened via the gear icon on the slider; bulk changes can be made by right-clicking to put the Parameters pane in Edit Mode, then selecting sldiers and right-clicking on one for options).
Thumbnails, as you probably found, are PNGs that live in the Data directory folder with the morphs .dsf file, and have the same name.