Emma and Jordi hair on G8

HappyboyHappyboy Posts: 54

Hi All,

Help me Emma and Jordi, you're our only hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm having issues using Emma and Jordi G3F hair on my G8F character. The hair loads fine on G8F, fits to the character and is perfectly great. Then if you change her height (the default height morph) to make a shorter character the hair moves down her face until the top of the hair is in line with her eyes, but the hair still conforms like it was positioned correctly. I've looked at the "bones" and they move correctly except the head "bone" (in parenthesis so as not to confuse with skull, lol) which seams to move independently of the rest of the bone. It doesn't happen with any of the other hair I have, but it does happen with 4 of the 5 Emma and Jordi do's. Scarlett hair is the only one that conforms correctly with height but I can't for the life of me figure out why.

Emma and Jordi hair Height test.jpg
400 x 400 - 81K
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  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    This issue came up before with another vendor's hair. It occurs because the height morphs on G3 and G8 are scaled differently. 

    It's most likely happening because the hair has a custom FBMHeight morph that is specific for G3 and not compatible with G8. If you delete this morph from the hair's data folder before fitting the hair to G8, then the problem should hopefully be solved. 

  • YAY. thanks man, all fixed

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