why it saids error opening file
this is not making sense at all. This is illogical, I tried to convert from G2 pose to G3 pose. Yes I did follow the exact instruction by adding Zformarm unlocker then save my files. Then i converted my files afterwards. It saids converted files successful. When I open it I got this "Error opening file- An error occured while reading the file, see the log files for more details." I need help with this problem

error 2.jpg
1919 x 1027 - 330K

error 3.jpg
1917 x 1025 - 351K

1917 x 1029 - 255K
From the screenshots it looks like you do not have a G3 in the scene to use the converted pose on
You can get details of the complete error in your log file - Go to Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File
I already have a G3 in the scene but when i went to -MyDocuments>Studio>My studio library>converted >New folder >
Then same result, There's already G3 character in the scene, as the icon shows. I click on it, the G3 character dissappear, its weird
That folder looks like it is the folder where the converted poses are saved - That folder only has details of the pose to apply to G3 & not an actual model/character
To use the converted pose file you need to:
1. Load a G3 in to your empty scene
2. Select the G3
3. Double click on the icon in your content library (The oneyou show in your screenshot ) to apply the pose (See attached)
i did load G3 character into the empty scene, I click g2 pose for G3 character, appied forarm unlocker then convert the pose from g2 to g3. Nothing happened, no difference at all. Atleast there's no error opening a file. Its not on Daz3d studio
this is more complicated than i thought, its frustrating