Fitting armor to different figure

Hi guys

I'm trying to fit some armor suit (M2) to a genesis that even possible?...mostly the pauldrons. A friend of mine also tried to convert Kadis legendary armor set for G3F to G3M and found heavy distortion in the Pauldrons...any tips please?


  • For things like armour, that shouldn't really bend with the figure, parenting rather than auto-fitting might work better.

    When a piece of clothing is auto-fitted to a figure, it changes shape to match the new base shape.  For close-fitting clothing, it works well.

    So parent a pauldron to each collar bone (if they come as a single figure, you can load two copies and use the geometry editor to remove one half of each.  Then converting them to props would reduce memory usage (unless they have important morphs on a particular bone).

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