How do I create a morph from Marvelous Designer?

I'm trying MD right now and I'm exporting the clothes to MD and then edit them. I can export them back and they come back as an OBJ which I can turn to a figure and fit it.
But I just want to make a morph available for the clothes not a seperate cloth. How do I do that?
Post edited by agamersday on
As long as the vertex order was prserved (and as long as you worked with the base resolution clothing, if SubD is applied - check for and adjust the mesh Resolution settings in the parametrs pane before exporting from DS) then select teh clothes and use Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro.Make sure the importer preset matches the one you used when exporting the OBJ, click the Select File button and then grab your OBJ. If you are draping on a posed or morphs figure you will need to enable Reverse Deformations in the options exposed by clicking the triangle next to the morph name at the bottom of the dialogue; you can also chnage the path there (which group in the Parameters pane it appears under).