Which all-around lights would you recommend for Iray renders?

I don't really care for using preset lights because those tend to work only in certain scenarios. Right now, I've been using the default spotlights for Iray renders, but I feel like I could probably do better, but I don't know which I should be using. I saw a pack, I think it was Age of Armour Advanced Ambient Lights, that looked pretty appealing, but I think that one was designed for 3Delight renders. Any suggestions?


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300
    edited October 2017

    This is an unanswerable question, because the lights you choose are dependent on the type of renders you want. Are you doing noir comic book renders? Happy-looking family-in-the-park renders? Some dystopian view?

    You are on the right track playing around with the built-in lights, and seeing what works best. Also consider some scenes with the default Iray environment, which provides light (you can turn the image of this environment off). It works if the scene is not enclosed. Load in other HDRI maps (many are free; do an Internet search) to get different looks. Play with the Environment Dome settings, especially Dome Rotation. Try the Sun-Sky settings. Try point lights, changing the size of the point and spotlight emitters. Try adding a simple plane behind, to the sides, or in front of your character, and make it emissive (read up her on how; there are hundreds of threads on it). Try combinations of these.

    After you know how Iray works, you can purchase a light set if you want. But given developing your own skill at lighting, you don't really need any third party products, unless it's simply a matter of saving you time while preparing your scenes.  These products can augment your own lighting.

    I'm sure some here would disagree, but you will never become truly adept at Iray renders unless you become knowledeable about the tools D|S already gives you.

    Post edited by Tobor on
  • joseph06joseph06 Posts: 126


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