Stubborn Shader

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404
edited October 2017 in New Users

Taking advantage of the sale today, I saw this was back to a reduced price.

I want to dirty the place up a bit though because, ya know...options. The problem I'm running into is that the shaders on the locker refuse to budge. I have Griminizer Shaders and as you'll see in the picture, they work on the floor. It effects it viewport and the render (circled in red) But the lockers man...the lockers are some tough old boys! They are the only surface I can't alter. I have used two different griminizer shaders on them as well as changed the base color to rusty metal. You can see the change in the viewport but in the render...they insist on being themselves. And while I respect them for that (in some small way) I don't care if they want to be themselves, I want them to be whatever I want them to be whenever I want them to be it. Because I bought them, I own them and that's the American Way. Does anyone know what is stopping them from being all they can be?

Thanks for any help.

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  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    No idea what's going on.  However in case the lockers use some specialty shader that somehow conflicts, you could apply the default (or some other known working) shader to it, and see if griminizer applies to that to try to narrow down what's happening?  Or could it be related to UV mapping or lack therof?

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    It had the default shader on it and I applied 2 different griminizer shaders to it. When that didn't have any effect, i tried changing the base color and that didn't work either. I'm stumped.

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