Iray parameter limits - turn off?

Is there a way to turn off limits on Iray shader parameters en masse? I mean for the entire shader.
I have a character with Iray mats, but trying to copy the torso settings to the gen prop didn't work. it looked fine in viewport, but rendered way off.
I finally realized that there are default limits on some Iray parameters, and the Iray settings of the character were much higher, so I had to turn of limits and input the correct settings manually, one at a time, to match the torso settings that load with the mat. Time consuming and awkward. With the prop loaded, the torso mat doesn't automatically load to it. In 3DL this is simple, a quick copy-paste.
I looked, but couldn't find any way to just turn limits off in the Iray shader tab.
As I move more into Iray rendering of portraits, it could get real annoying to have to always redo individual Iray parameters manually in cases like this.
What it sounds like you're running into is the torso material settings not matching up to the anatomical element UV map. If Female, there is a freebie on Renderosity that will fix it, but I'm not sure if that has a male counterpart.
Thanks, but no, that's not the issue. I have the very helpful Cayman UV set.
What's happening is there are limits set on some of the sliders in the Surface tab, and the vender's settings exceed those limits. For example, a given setting is, say 6, but the parameter is set with limits on at 1, so the 6 can't be set without manually turning off the limits on that parameter, and then manually entering the correct number. Oddly, there's no issue loading the full mat without the gen prop, only with.
I managed a workaround by doing the manual fixes, and saving that preset for the gen prop.
But I was looking to find out if, as with poses, there was some way to simply turn off the Surface tab limits globally.
Can you give some examples of ou-of-limit shader values you are seeing?
Sorry for the delay in getting these.
The first image is the Surfaces tab with the skin mat applied to the base figure.
The second is with the Torso settings copy-pasted to the gen prop. You can see that these settings didn't transfer.
The third is the settings window showing that limits are on. Turning them off allows a manual entry of the correct setting.
It's these limits I would like to be able to turn off globally, instead of one at a time.
Hmm, that's perhaps an odd choice of value. It should be possible to write a script to remove limits, either on spacific properties or perhaps allowing a comparison of two surfaces.
Thanks, Richard,
Not worth the fuss, I guess. The limits situation has only ever come up with this vender's characters, and I can create presets for any new one's I may get when using the prop.
I can say that the mat looks pretty bad without those settings, and really good with them.
I too have come up agaist this problem using Cayman Studios free UV for anatomy elements. It is very time consuming to turn off the limits of every Iray parameter setting that is over limit in the torso surface pasted onto the anatomy prop. I wish I had scripting skills to be able to globaly turn off all limits in iray surfaces. Hopefuly someone will