how do i use backdrop outside window
i have bought and my problem is when i use backdrop in enviroment tab my render is low quality unlike the example renders in cityscapes link
The Cityscape backgrounds include props according to the product details, you wold load those into your scene and position them. The other set is a modelled room with furniture. Are you perhaps trying to load the .png thumbnail into the Environment pane?
Wow funny, I bought these exact two products at the same time with the intention of pairing them.
Just to cover Richards question...when you load them, they appear in the scene as a prop, correct? If not, that is what you should be doing. I load mine from Smart Content>Environments on the left side of the screen. (though I'm not sure your interface set up) they are listed there along with all my other environments like the On My Own Living Room for instance. They load in the scene independantly either curved, straight, Large, Small, depending on your choice. Then you'll be able to postion them outside your window at whatever distance works best for you.
If you're loading them from the Environment tab on the right(on my set up anyway) and selecting Back Drop from the dropdown menu and then the image, Richard is right, you're loading the PNG...and you're right, probably looks like hell. I use Environment>Backdrop>Browse to fill in an image of daytime sky or night time stars BEHIND the city scape to get rid of the checkered Macroverse out there.
Hope I helped. If not, keep talking and someone will get you there. You'll be really happy with the renders too. I was very impressed with the On My Own set. Had a lot of fun tweaking the inside to fit my decorating taste too!
thanks guys, much love ❤️