Pegasus Modler 2 Does Not Accept Registration Key

A few days ago I saw that Pegasus Modler 2 was on sale. I purchased it, downloaded it, and installed it.

The program asked me for my username, and its registration key. I went to my account and copied the registration key from the list. I typed in my user name. I pasted the registration key into the proper field.  The program then told me the user name and registration key were invalid and refused to run.

I have tried several combinations, but the program still refuses to run.

The product page says the following:

  • Registration:
    • You will be provided with a license key by DAZ in one of the forms below:
    • Name: UserName Key: 1111-111-1111-111
    • Serial Key: UserName 1111-111-1111-111
  • To Register:
    • Click the Register button on the application reminder window.
    • Enter UserName in the Name field (No spaces).
    • Enter 1111-111-1111-111 in the Key field (use copy and paste—don’t try to type it).
    • *Numbers here are only provided for illustration purposes
    • Press OK.

Combinations based on these instructions also fail to work.

I am locked out of the program I paid for.

Has anyone got any idea how to get this program running?


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