I need children figures

Anyone able to help me with finding children figures. I downloaded "the kids 4 complete" package and it looks like its just cloeths and accessories (wasted $) The way the package was written up I thought it included the figure models. Any one have a link to the kids4 figure? I've been playing around with "Basic Child" (actor) and about 90% of the cloethes I apply to it does not work, nor does hair, nore does poses etc. I'm killing valuble time trying to figure out the DAZ studio chaos. In short I need a toodler size figure and a variety of casual, girl and boy clothes that'll work on that figure. If anyone can send me the link that will short cut this process I'd be much greatful. Daz's web site is like a labrynth. Thanks
Have you looked under Poser formats?
Kids4 clothing and skins work perfectly well for Genesis 1! The basic child morph is ok but growing up morphs is a must have IMO.
Yeah, the growing up morphs for Genesis 2/3/8 are really great.. and all the clothes for those figures will fit so you don't have to worry about only having 3 things for them to wear. (of course finding styles that a kid would actually wear is another story)
Yep, I bought the Growing up morphs for Gen 3. that see,ed to be the answer though I had to do the posing as an adult before I morphed the figure. posing after I morphed the figure to a 5 year old boy would crash the software. Now to find a nicely modeled set of simple shorts, tee-shirt, and shoes. Fisty is correct. there needs to be a good inventory of childrens cloethes to choose from.