How to save character facial expressions in a DUF file

killerquiffkillerquiff Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in New Users

Hello there

I have created a Toon Generation base character and added all the facial expressions to the timeline and then saved it as a DUF file.

However this DUF file seems to include the whole scene.

What I would like to be able to do is to create a DUF file which has the data required to save off the facial expressions only so that I could reload these on top of another Toon Generation character.

I am assuming this is possible because Reallusion (ICLONE) have released a DUF file for any Genesis character and thought this principle could hold for other character types.

Therefore my questions are:

a) can this be done
b) if so how

Also I did try a different method whereby Ioaded up the original character and tried to change his clothing and as soon as I did it wiped out all the keyframes set up for each facial expression

many thanks



  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    File -> Save As -> Pose Preset. Select a filename and then ensure you only select the face when the dialog box shows up. This will ensure that only the expression is saved rather than the figure's entire body pose.

  • killerquiffkillerquiff Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much Heraldoffire i will give that a go!

  • AkcelAkcel Posts: 4

    Hello there

    I have created a Toon Generation base character and added all the facial expressions to the timeline and then saved it as a DUF file.

    Could you explain how did you do?


  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253
    Akcel said:

    Hello there

    I have created a Toon Generation base character and added all the facial expressions to the timeline and then saved it as a DUF file.

    Could you explain how did you do?


    expand the figure tab when you save the export and select the items you need to be part of the export.

    You dont' see these options until you actually click save from what i recall.

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