Will a gtx1080 help ?

     Hi, I'm not new to DAZ (been using it for years) but I am pretty new to rendering in Iray. I have an nvidia card so I can use Iray, but the issue is, it's a fairly weak card. It's a 750ti with 2 gb vram and I can do some fairly simple Iray renders with it. The trouble starts when I start to get ambitious and try and render a complex scene. One of two things will happen, when I do. 1) Daz will kick it over to CPU rendering which can take hours, or more likely 2) Daz will freeze up or crash, which inevitably borks windows and I have to do a restart. Rendering by cpu is fixable. I just restart Daz and that usually fixes the problem. The other is more bothersome.

     I've been looking into getting a gtx 1080 with 8gb ram (my power supply isn't up to the ti version) and I'm wondering if the increased graphics memory will allow me to do more complex scenes ie: with more models or figures in them. I'm not too worried about getting faster render times as much as creating better scenes. I want to be able to let my creative side loose. I kind of feel that, right now, I'm just at the bleeding edge of even being able to use Iray at all.

I'm on Win 10 with 8gb ram, 750ti with 2 gb vram, AMD FX(tm) six core processor 3.50 ghz.

I know this might be a no-brainer to some folks but I've learned that regarding computer graphics, bigger isn't always better, so I thought I'd ask.



  • ChezjuanChezjuan Posts: 522

    It will definitely help.

    I went from a 640ti with 2gb of vram to a GTX 1070 (8 GB vram) last year, and it worked wonders. I was getting similar issues to you with the 750ti, but since I have 16 GB of RAM and an i7 3770k processor OC'd to 4.2 GHz, I didn't get a lot of crashes, except when I was doing Iray in the Aux viewport as a preview. My renders would take forever for fairly complex scenes.

    When I upgraded, render time went down significantly for most scenes (one that took 6 hours to render took 20 minutes with the new card) and I am able to use Iray in the Aux viewport for preview in close to real time.  


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    It might help but you need more RAM 8GB isn't really enough to build a complex scene even using 3dl or Iray CPU mode you could still find yourself facing crashes.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Also, be aware that since you're on Win10, your system will grab a chunk of your card's VRAM for some arcane reason known only to Microsoft. That will probably have been limiting your capabilities with the 750ti card, but it will also take a small but noticeable chunk out of your new 1080 — it won't have the full 8GB available for Iray.

    And agreeing with the "more RAM" comment; I have 8GB as well, and sometimes it's just not enough.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    edited October 2017


    You're really funny.
    For my latest little beach scene with only 4 G3 characters iRay occupied round 23GB of RAM.
    Which nVidia card would help?
    How much money do I have to spend?

    I know: in the later versions nVidia installed an automatic geometry reduction in iRay causing a dramatic loss of surface details.

    Post edited by AndyS on
  • AndyS said:


    You're really funny.
    For my latest little beach scene with only 4 G3 characters iRay occupied round 23GB of RAM.
    Which nVidia card would help?
    How much money do I have to spend?

    Was the sand perhaps set to a high SubD level  -render SubD or Displacement Subdivision on one or more of its surfaces?

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    So what -

    The same level of details  (real 3D surface structures) in 3Delight only needed 3GB.
    I know: this is the very different nature of iRay.
    But it must be possible to achieve the same kind of details.

    The way iRay draws the bounced light is fantastic - but if it is not possible to reproduce the real details, iRay is not usable.

    For simple video games or animations it doesn't matter. But for real pictures it is very important.

  • It depends how you want the details - if you want them everywhere then yes, it can be an issue (depending on the kind of detail and the geoemtry of the model) but if you are willing to use displacement only for near detail and normals, supplemented by lower resolution displacement, for more distant details (splitting the beach, for example, into segments of different levels of detail) then it becomes more manageable. In many cases, a model optimised for Iray and its planned maps (so that areas intended to be displaced can either have the detail in the base mesh or at least can have those areas dividied more so that the whole model requires a lower division level) will yield good results with lower overheads - in DS, one issue is that a lot of models are still optimised for 3Delight, where displacement had a much lower cost and direct mesh detail a higher cost.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    In the current case only the base beach plane got the necessary detailing. And the characters of cause to avoid dark triangled artefacts at the shadow lines (Render SubD 3-4).

    A different workaround could be to physically delete all invisible assets. But this could not be the serious intention to insert / remove (or detail / simplify) the different assets depending on the camera position. So I put myself up with the fact to do it CPU-only with render times of 6 hours or way longer.
    And as already stated: In some cases iRay automatically removes the geometry details without any chance for the user to influence it. angry

  • Olkay, thanks for the responses. Well, at least the 1080 will be a step in the right direction. And I guess more system ram wouldn't hurt either, from the sound of things. Like I said, I'm pretty new to Iray, and I still have much to learn, but I really love the results is gives.

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