from Marvelous Designer to DAZ 3D

Im interested in making costumes for DAZ3D figures and I have knowledge in 3DS Max.

Recent search from Google asked me to use "Marvelous Designer" along with Daz 3D.

I had made one air hostress uniform as a dry run.

But i do not know how to proceed to allow it to behave in those cloths i've downloaded from the store (free), where it can be easily assigned to the figure and pose any possible posture without destroy the uniform.

This might be a duplicate topic, but appreciate if anyone could point me into the right direction.

Thousand thanks in advance.

511 x 700 - 85K


  • Import your clothing as OBJ, which should line up with the base figure without adjustment. Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility, set the figure as source and the clothing as target, click Apply. That should lay the groundwork, though it will probably then need work on the weight maps (Geometry Editor too and Node Weight Paintbrush tool) and the addition of morphs (blend shapes in Max-speak) created in a modeller and imported with Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro, or created in DS using dForms.

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