Using Blender to model object with moving parts -- how to export?

If I'm modeling an object in Blender, and some of the pieces are moving parts, then I need to export each piece individually, import them into DS separately, and assemble and rig them there, right?

In DAZ Studio, there is no way to export and then import a fully assembled object, then rig the parts...or is there?

Also, is it a waste of time to rig in Blender? Do you always have to re-rig in DS anyway?


  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114

    You can export everything at the same time, but it is useful to have separate parts as vertex groups that coincide with what you want to name the bones.

    As far as I know, there is no way to export rigging from Blender and get it into Daz Studio.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    I'll try it and see what happens. Thanks!

  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,766
    edited October 2017

    Yeah, no point in rigging in blender for export to DS - needs a completely new rig (even fbx / dae formats don't work right).

    As wwes said, you need to define the vertex groups before export and enable 'Polygroups' (Edit: Yep, it's 'Polygroups' - just tried it)

    There's a nice simple tut for rigging a door by Sickleyield on youtube that explains these parts (also exporting from Blender).  If we're talking a mechanical thing like a door (rather than organic bending which needs more time weight-mapping), then that tut tells you what you need to know.

    Post edited by Silent Winter on
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