I’m looking for glasses that will fit Genesis.

I found Glasses and Braces from !13 but the DAZ renderer halts at the glasses. That was on an older XP computer and now on a new Win 7, Pentium Core i5 machine with a NVIDIA GeForce video card. So I figured something's wrong with those glasses.
Moved to the Commons as it's a request for, not an offer of, a freebie. Or even a question about a product.
Where can I find eye glasses that fit Genesis?
Also, is this the place where I can make requests for content?
If you look on the main page of the forum you will see a forum section titled "Product Suggestions"
I always just parent the glasses to genesis head, move into place and scale the x,y and Z scaling till it fits perfectly.
Merged duplicate threads.
Thank for for showing me where to request products.
Zev0, the glasses I do have fit perfectly. It's just not rendering. The render freezes at the glasses and continues on with the rest of the render. I have a Pentium i5 processor, 8 gigs of Ram, and a NVIDIA GeForce video card so my guess is there's something wrong with the glasses.
Administrator, I hope you don't mind if I repost this in the correct forum. I'd be happy with either freebie or paying for it.
Insteads of you posting duplicate threads again I shall simply move it to product suggestions for you.
I'm working on it!!! Look here: Genesis Glasses
Thanks Slosh. I made a recommendation there for you.