Can't load DIM Installer

So I just got a new Mac been working on switching everything over.  I tried to install DIM from the download installer but it keeps quitting unexpectedly on the splash screen.

I am running Sierra 10.12.6.  I know that High Sierra is planning on eliminating 32 bit app support altogether and I see that the DIM installer says 32bit.  Is there a 64 bit version?

Can anyone help me get this sorted out?



  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Ok, so I managed to copy everything over from my previous Mac and get the DIM working again...but of course now my DAZ is totally messed up...again!

    So I have tried to reset DB.  Also tried re-importing Metadata 3x.  All of my custom products and UserData seem to not be working right at all.  Also, everything that I previously fixed in Lost and Found is back.  Like all the categories got wiped again.  And everything that previously wanted to install through Daz Connect needs to be reinstalled.  Also I have a lot of products showing up grey and doing the right click > update metadata > install won't work.

    Arrrrrggggghhhh.  This is so frustrating.

  • If you didn't export user data before resetting the database then yes, I'm afraid your custom categories are gone - if you did export user data then reimporting that should ahve brought them back. Did you install the Connect versions? if so reinstalling, assuming the content diectory used iss till the same, should be quick as it will see all of the existing files.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    If you didn't export user data before resetting the database then yes, I'm afraid your custom categories are gone - if you did export user data then reimporting that should ahve brought them back. Did you install the Connect versions? if so reinstalling, assuming the content diectory used iss till the same, should be quick as it will see all of the existing files.

    Yes I actually was exporting user data after everytime I would adjust the metadata for any third party content and chaning categories for stuff I found in Lost and Found.  I also have my entire DAZ library backed up on two drives.  

    This is actually a completely clean install of DAZ.  On a new computer.  All of my DAZ content is on an External Drive which hasn't moved since I created a lot of this UserData.  So I would have thought that simply pointing DAZ to everything would be fine.  Just like I have done in the past, I went into DIM, and point the install and download paths to this drive and directory in the settings.  Then installed DAZ and in Content directory I made sure that everything was mapped to this location as well.  But it is like DAZ didn't see anything at all.  Everything loaded all greyed out.  So I tried doing the import metadata and after that, most of my products came through but a lot of stuff isn't.  

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328

    Tried re-installing DAZ again.  Then I started going through each category and installing any items that had the Download/Install watermark.  Now I have quite a few duplicate items showing up such as two of Victoria 5. I checked and all of my custom third party content is there, but none of it is searchable now.  So if I select and item by AlfaSeed, and select the Artist name it won't bring up any of the other items in Smart Content.

    Any ideas?

  • The User Data gets exported to the first Daz Studio format content directory in your list - if that was on one of the local drives on the old machine, even if it isn't the location of the content, you will need to transfer it (from \Runtime\Support) to the equivalent location in one of your new content directories.

    As for the duplicates, ddi you perhaps install the PoserCF files?

    You don't need to install everything with the arrow icon - only the oens with momochrome thumbnails are not isntalled at all as far as the CMS is concerned.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2017

    Let me clarify my setup and maybe this will make more sense.  I have an external drive called "Backup 1 HDD" which was connected to my original computer.  I had everything working correctly on this computer including my custom Metadata 3rd party products showing up in SmartContent and searchable by artist with correct categories, product types, etc.  Aside from some known problem products that are still missing metadata from the DAZ store itself, everything was working quite well.  I even fixed some of these DAZ products myself and got them to show up in the correct SmartContent categoreis instead of Lost and Found.   

    Then my computer died.  I bought a new Mac Pro and started over.  Again.  I installed DAZ on my new computer (clean install) and using this same external HDD from my original computer.  The drive didn't change at all.  So yes, I thought I could simply re-install DAZ on this new machine, login to Connect, setup my paths in Content Directory and away we go.  My DAZ content was/is installed as follows:

    Backup 1 HDD / DAZ 3D >

    • > 3rd Party (Runtime subfolder for Rendo content, etc)
    • > Studio > My Library > Runtime > Support (all DAZ 3D* files, my custom ones as Local_User* and my UserData_1.dsx has correct date stamp from last export)
    • > Studio > My DAZ Connect Library  > Data > Cloud

    So here are a few oddities I noticed... I have searched through the SmartContent categories and most of my custom Products are in fact showing up if I do not load a character into scene, but if I load up say Victoria 4, they won't show up in SmartContent anymore.  Nothing is searchable by Artist anymore or even the name of product, and if I go to Content Library directly and choose one of these products, the results are not good.  Some pieces of a product will load fine, then others will say not supported.  This of course didn't happen before because I was very careful to assign proper compatibility base.

    FYI - I followed this doc 100% to customize dozens of third party products and it worked great until now.  I even put in all custom thumbnail jpg's.



    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • Did the items, as far as you can remember, show up on the old machine with Filter by Selection checked in Smart Content? If it wasn't on that might explain the difference in visible behaviour. Other than that, I'm not sure what is going wrong.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2017

    Did the items, as far as you can remember, show up on the old machine with Filter by Selection checked in Smart Content? If it wasn't on that might explain the difference in visible behaviour. Other than that, I'm not sure what is going wrong.

    Do you mean the "Filter by Context" checkbox?  Yes that has always been checked, on the old machine and now.  So I am wondering if I should uninstall again, and this time move my custom content out and just see if all the DIM and Connect content will load in properly.  Then I could set up my custom paths for Third Party stuff and copy those Local_User files back in and do a re-import of the metadata and see if that works.  

    I noticed another weird thing... I am not able to select multiple items anymore and merge into scene.  No matter how many items I highlight, if I choose merge into scene it just merges one at random.  None of the others.  So now I need to double click each item.  What the heck?!

    What do you think?

    Post edited by Geminii23 on
  • I think it sounds weird, but I have no idea what is happening.

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