animate 2

Hi, I am looking to learn more about Animate 2 and the system requirements for a Mac. Does anyone have any insight to that? How much memory do you need to render motion? Do you render motion with Delight? I want to use it but fear I will have to wait for the next computer to do that. What ikind of muscle power is recommended before purchasing such a thing?


  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    I can’t speak directly for animate2, but I’ve rendered a number of animations. Rendering animations is basically just like rendering still frames, except that you do it over and over again. So a 10-frame animation takes 10 times as long as one of its single frames would, because Daz just treats it as 10 individual still frames. Absolute total time, of course, is dependent on the complexity of the individual frames and the total number of them.  And if you do your rendering to an image series and combine the images later, (which you generally should) you can render the animation in pieces: frames 1-5 now, frames 6-10 tomorrow, etc.

    So if you set up an initial scene and try it on your current computer, you’ll be able to get an idea of what you’re getting into. Personally, I think any serious animation is going to get ugly without GPU rendering, but I don’t know what you’re intending...

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