New User Question about .DUF and .DAZ files
I am a new user with DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro.
I am trying to decide between 2 "environments," and I could use some help.
One lists the compatible software as DAZ Studio 4.9, and the description says it is for DAZ Studio Iray and 3Delight. The files are .DUF. These files I know.
The other lists the compatible software as DAZ Studio and Poser. Those files are .DAZ These files I have never heard of before.
My question is would I be asking for trouble if I get the one with the .DAZ files? (To be clear, nobody would ever call me a computer wiz!)
I actually found a handful of .daz files in my Library. They are DAZ Scene files.
But if you save a scene or scene subset in the actual version of DAZ Studio (4.9) it's called .duf.
Looks like it's an older version.
it's listed as Deprecated .
But you can still open them with DAZ Studio.
So the one with the .duf files is very likely more up to date.
Kind regards, Eagle99
.daz is the old scene file format, used in DS3 and earlier (and in the betas of DS4, but I think dropped before the first release version - 4.5). They should still open in newer versions, but can be problematic - check to see if the .daz set also includes Daz Studio materials presets, if it does you could always import the Poser version and then apply the materials (which would eb 3Delight only).
Eagle and Richard, thank you for your answers.
It's a big help.