DIM problem with content

I've used DIM to install all of my DAZ content.  When searching for 'guillotine' or 'gibbet' or 'IronLady' in DIM, nothing shows up.

But if I search in DAZ Studio, it quickly locates H:\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Libraries\character\VaL TCOS, which has Guillotine.cr2, Gibbet.cr2, IronLady.cr2 etc

I don't have any filters applied in DIM.  And no indication in DAZ Studio that this was inadvertently installed with DAZ Connect (which I've tried to disable / don't use)

I assume DIM should be finding this content - is that correct?

Sugggestions about how to fix?

I primarily animate inside of Carrrara, but often use DAZ Studio and /or DIM to locate content.



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