Refresh Button for Content Library?
I assume there is a button to refresh the DS Content Library, and that I don't need to keep shutting down DS and reopening it to refresh, But when I install new content, right afterwards I have been shutting DS down if it is open, then reopening DS. That is my primitive way of getting the newly installed content to appear in the Content Library. But could someone point me to the refresh button instead?
Second question: Is there an easy way to have my Daz Content Management System come on by default when I open DS? it seems that lately my CMS is not on when I turn on my computer and open DS. I have to click on the Windows start button at the lower left corner of my screen, type "content man"into the search box, then the options to start and stop the Daz Content Management System appear. I click on the start option, a little black screen opens briefly saying the CMS is starting. Then, if I shut down DS and turn it on again, the Content Library search box works because the CMS has come on. If I could avoid all that rigamarole and easily have the Daz CMS on by default, I'd like to do that.
Thank you for any assistance.
To refresh the Content Library... just Right-Click anywhere in the library pane, a menu will pop up, then just select Refresh from the list...
As far as the CMS goes... you need to check to see if the service is set to start automatically when the OS starts...
In Windows you need to open the Services app... open the Task Manager and select the Services tab... then find the DAZContentManagementService in the list and Right-Click on it to open an options menu... select Open Service to open the Services app...
Find the DAZ Content Management Service in the list, the Startup Type should say Automatic... if it doesn't then Right-Click on it and select Properties... then in the General tab find the Startup Type drop-down and select Automatic... click Apply then OK... the CMS should now start when the OS starts...
If the Startup Type is already set to Automatic, then click on the Recovery tab, here you can set what Windows does if the CMS doesn't start automatically... in the 1st and 2nd attempt boxes you can set it to Restart the Service, the 3rd attempt box you can change too if you want to...
If the CMS still fails to start on OS startup, there could be something else blocking it... ie: anti-virus, or it could just be broke in which case you may need to re-install it...
If your on a Mac, sorry I don't know how to check that...
Hope this helps... :)
niccipb, thank you very much, that was extremely helpful.
"...just Right-Click anywhere in the library pane" -- doh! Do I feel dumber than usual, or what?
As for the CMS, you also hit the bullseye -- another program was running that was stopping CMS from starting automatically, because when I changed some settings on that other program, and rebooted my computer, I found Daz CMS running on start up.
Thanks again! This forum is great.
my advise is NEVER install content with Daz Studio open, saves a lot of heartache. ;)
I second what Szark said. It is a VERY bad idea to install content with DS running. That is a very fast way to a Damaged Database.
Szark and Jaderail, thanks for the tip. I'll stop installing content with DS open.
Damaged database might already have happened. I get a message when I open one of my scenes -- the message says something like "detected duplicate IDs" -- I just click okay and ignore the message.
detected duplicate IDs was from old Genesis related content I thought. :)