DAZ fails to load after crash and I cant get replacement install files

To set the scene:-

Was using DAZ with the iRay preview and my system froze. After reboot it wouldn't open DAZ pulling up a "Not Windows 10 or corupt file" error.  So I needed a reinstall. 

I can't get to a set of instal files.

Fortunately, I was previously running a Public Build version and my Install Manager had a non public build version available so I have loaded that. Now I have no versions of DAZ available in my install manager and I can't get to an installation set if it crashes.

Just go to the "Free Software" download? It doesn't work; try it. If you are logged in and click the software download button it just takes you to your purchased products page. Not much use at all.

So, in summary, I have a working version of DAZ installed which I am now afraid to use as, when I get a system crash, I will be up a creek with no paddle.



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    What about the product library?

  • You are a top person of the highest order.

    It was taking me to my product library but I couldn't find DAZ, only my purchased assets.  I obviously wasn't looking hard enough.

    Still, I now have an install exe in my download file so should be good to go again.


    The whole "Not Windows software.." bit happend with IM a few days back - I installed a product from my order page rather than from IM and it killed IM. I had an IM installer exe in my dowloads file though so it was a quick fix.


    Thanks again.

  • If you uninstall through Install Manager you should then be able to reinstall - however, this does sound a bit like the issue some users were having with McAffee a few weeks back, is that your security software?

  • Hi Richard, you are straight in there with McAffee - hatefull as it is.

    I am hoping that, now I have an install.exe file in my download folder (I deleted the previous on to save space) a quick reistall should solve the issue as and when the crashes come about. I have no doubt they will continue hence my concern about not having a quick rebuild previously (seemingly) without access to an install file.  

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Good luck!

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited September 2017

    Nobody has to use Mcafee or Avast on their own personal computer. There are plenty of sufficent anti-virus and anti-malware paackages that don't act like virus' in their own right.

    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • fastbike1 said:

    Nobody has to use Mcafee or Avast on their own personal computer. There are plenty of sufficent anti-virus and anti-malware paackages that don't act like virus' in their own right.

    I am fast comming to that conclusion. What do you recommed as an alternative as I don't want to run without anything.


    Today I went to load DAZ after having shut it down succesfully previously (ie not after a crash) and it was corrupted again.

    Apparently it isn’t just a crash the corrupts DAZ.


    I did the suggested scan and this didn’t throw up any errors or change anything.

    I had to perform a reinstall from the “install” file which I now have in my downloads.

    It transpired (after the reinstall) I had DAZ and DAZ Public Beta – these create two completely different directories in Program Files.  The Public Beta DAZ exe route was corrupted.

    This is all something of a pain obviously.

    And another thing which really upsets my OCD. I can't uninstal Public Beta, as Windows doesn't recognise it as a legitimate aplication now, but I still have the icon left in my Sart listing. After failing to uninstall I had deleted the Public Beta directory but still the annoying icon persists in sitting there. 


  • John SimsJohn Sims Posts: 360
    edited September 2017
    John Sims said:

    ., but I still have the icon left in my Sart listing. After failing to uninstall I had deleted the Public Beta directory but still the annoying icon persists in sitting there. 


    Well at least I have solved that issue.

    Post edited by John Sims on
  • John SimsJohn Sims Posts: 360

    And the agro continues. It did the whole "Bad Image" error tonight so I tried to do an install from my saved install.exe file and the install crashed.  I then had to uninstall DAZ via setup before it would do the reinstal for me.

    This is becomming something of  pain in the back side.

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