Goz installation problems

Can you help me with this

I have 2 versions of DAZ3dstudio the 4.9 and the latest update.

Installing Zbrush 4R7 and in preferences Goz Path to Dazstudio4

Goz downloading from DAZ with installmanager.


Restart does no work ..close my pc restart

What its wrong ?





848 x 840 - 202K


  • What do you mean, 4.9 and the latest update? You can have only one version of GoZ for DS installed at a time, and if you have a current download it will work only with the current build (or the beta version will work only with the current beta).

  • Sean123 said:

    Can you help me with this

    I have 2 versions of DAZ3dstudio the 4.9 and the latest update.

    Installing Zbrush 4R7 and in preferences Goz Path to Dazstudio4

    Goz downloading from DAZ with installmanager.


    Restart does no work ..close my pc restart

    What its wrong ?






    What do you mean, 4.9 and the latest update? You can have only one version of GoZ for DS installed at a time, and if you have a current download it will work only with the current build (or the beta version will work only with the current beta).

                     Ok that's perhaps the problem 4.9.0,63 and i have, You mean i most installed the right version of DS for GOz.



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